Getting started with enshift
  • 18 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Getting started with enshift

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Article summary

Welcome to enshift

We are thrilled to guide you through your very first project on the enshift platform, and we would like to express our gratitude for choosing us as your support for renewable energy transformation projects.

Setting up your first project

After signing up on enshift, you will have the opportunity to set up your first project. To ensure proper organization, please structure your projects according to the following guidelines:

  • A project can be a single building or a campus. We recommend creating projects with multiple buildings only if you intend to share resources or installations between them.
  • A campus should consist of a collection of buildings that are in close proximity to each other, allowing for private electrical and piping connections.
  • Each project will undergo one evaluation. If you wish to run multiple evaluations for a specific building or campus, you will need to create a new project for each evaluation.
  • Feel free to choose a descriptive name for your project.


Choosing your address

Currently, we only support addresses for existing buildings that have been registered with local government bodies. If you cannot find your building in our address search, please contact our support team.


Set your maximum available rooftop area

To calculate the potential for solar irradiation on your building's rooftop, we require an estimation of the maximum available rooftop area. We will retrieve essential rooftop information and show you the elements suitable for a solar installation. If you disagree with our selection, you can use the pencil option to draw your usable rooftop area.


Set your yearly energy consumption

Next, we need to determine your house's energy consumption and consumption profile, including electricity consumption and heating demand. It is best to retrieve your latest utility bills to fill in this section. Overwrite the pre-filled values for electricity consumption or heating demand based on the utility bills. If you don't have the latest bills, you can use our estimation function. By selecting the appropriate age of the building and defining its use, we can estimate the energy consumption profile and total consumption throughout the year accurately. If you have already installed a heat pump, we only need the total electricity consumption.


Choose the technologies to evaluate

Currently, we support the evaluation of the following technologies:

  • Solar installation: This involves the installation of photovoltaic panels for electricity generation, utilizing the latest mass-produced efficiency. We currently support on-roof installations and angled fixtures.
  • Batteries: These are stand-alone generic iron phosphate batteries used for intermittent storage of self-generated electricity.
  • Heat pump: This refers to an air/water heat pump that operates without requiring additional installations. We assume that your current heating distribution system does not need to be replaced.
  • Geothermal: This involves an air/soil heat pump that harnesses ambient heat from boreholes. We evaluate the heat pump's size and the borehole sizes. Currently, local construction regulations and

drilling feasibility for boreholes are not evaluated.

Please select the technologies you would like to consider in your evaluation. enshift will determine the appropriate type and size for each selected technology. Selecting a technology does not mean it is a fixed part of your solution, as its merit still needs to be evaluated against your requirements and set targets.


To refine our heat pump evaluations, we need to know the heat distribution system in your building. Please inform us whether you heat the building through forced ventilation, electric radiators, a water-based floor, or radiator heating.

Defining your targets

You can evaluate the installation of different technologies against your strategic goals. Set the following targets for your evaluation:

  • CO2 emissions reduction: Define the desired reduction in emissions from your building's current levels.
  • Energy that has to be generated off-grid: Define the level of independence you would like to achieve. If you do not prioritize grid independence, you can set this value to 0.


By choosing one of the override options, enshift will ignore the targets set in the above fields and optimize the technologies for the chosen override target:

  • Maximize CO2 footprint reduction: enshift will strive to achieve the highest physically possible reduction in CO2 emissions for your building, disregarding any financial boundaries or requirements.
  • Reduce future operating cost: enshift will dimension the renewable technologies to minimize your heating and electricity consumption costs as much as possible.

Simulation Assumptions

Before enshift can run the evaluation, we need the final details of your current electricity pricing. Please provide the current gross price per kilowatt-hour that you are purchasing from your utility. The feed-in tariff represents the price offered by your utility for electricity generated by solar panels. You can typically find these rates on your utility company's webpage, information catalogues, or the latest energy bills.
